Relational Healing
Underpinning all Christian healing ministry lies our restoration to an open, trusting relationship with our God and Father. This is, above all, what Jesus restored us to through His birth, life, death on the Cross and resurrection on the third day.
Now that we are reconciled to God – a reconciliation that is ongoing and, we pray, every deepening, God has entrusted us with the ministry of reconciliation.
Reconciliation is a part of healing ministry because forgiveness is a core component of healing. Unresolved conflict always continues to cause harm, across the generations even, but in Jesus Christ God the Father was reconciling the world to Himself and therefore we can both find and bring peace in any context: not through our own strength or virtue, but because of Jesus who is there in every situation.
We can find reconciliation with people, with anyone – whether the other party can or will participate in the process or not there is peace to be found for the one seeking it in Jesus – we can find reconciliation with events, memories, fears and hurts, betrayal, oppression and abuse in our lives. This is the freedom that Jesus leads us into – because Jesus experienced all this and conquered it on the Cross.
If this resonates with you, get in touch with us and Find Healing.